Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19

Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth – Yoruba proverb
We can become so consumed with trying to make it that we never do. Unfortunately, before we know it, we are seated by age, hardened by experiences having never realized the full value of life. We want so much. We try to do so much, it seems as if nothing ever gets done. The ancient Africans knew that quality not quantity makes life precious. It is our individual responsibility to set the standards for quality in our lives. Do we have peace in our lives? Do we have a source of happiness in our lives? Are we living up to the standards we set for ourselves? Have we set standards? Are we committed to following our heart’s desire? Are we making our dreams come true? We must decide for ourselves what we want for ourselves while the sunshine of youth is upon us. It is quality, not quantity, that brings wisdom with age.

Affirmation: I will let the sun of life shine on me.

Taken from: Acts of Faith, Iyanla Vanzant

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