Sunday, May 5, 2013

not watered down

I've been told more than once that I have a tendency to be self-deprecating. Its true sometimes. Having said that, this leads me to my point - corbeaux doh eat sponge cake. Having said that I move closer to my point, that I don't know art apart from knowing what I like.

There is an assumption in my mind about what water-color paintings look like. If I went to more exhibits I may break that perception, having gone to a fair share though I can still say there is an assumption in my mind about what water-color paintings look like. Camille King challenged that perception with her exhibit Inspired that opened at Soft Box Studios early last week.

Two Cents Shave Ice

Eric and Nation: SoE


Viki II

Viki I

Elsa II



Roots and Wings

Dean Arlen


Camille King



Two sisters and a cousin

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